Last Updated on October 25, 2022 by Aram
Knowledge in writing solid and secure Web APIs is an essential skill to learn to become a better API or integration developer, so I have compiled a list of important topics and concepts with a brief introduction about each along with useful online resources and tutorials about ASP.NET Core Web API, so that you can read and implement the tutorials and improve your technical skills that will advance you in your learning journey.
In this article I will mainly focus on giving you a quick guide to learn ASP.NET Core Web API.
I hope that this guide will help you learn this amazing framework and become a solid ASP.NET Core Web API developer.
Please note that this guide will reference articles and tutorials focused mainly on .NET 6 but there might be some articles targeting previous versions of .NET 5 or .NET 3.1, I will make sure to keep updating this guide in order it would be up-to-date with the latest changes and trends happening in the world of .NET .
Next month, November 2022, we will be waiting for the announcement of the official release of .NET 7, which will be an improvement of .NET 6 with more features, security updates and performance enhancements as well as some general langauge feature updates accompanied with release of C# 11.
For more details about the upcoming features of .NET 7, you can take a look here, and this link gives you more insight on the upcoming features of ASP.NET Core 7.
Even though there are yearly new major releases of .NET, but generally this shouldn’t affect your journey to learn ASP.NET Core Web API, since ASP.NET Core 3.1 is still being supported under Long-Time-Support (LTS) until end of 2022 and version 5 is not a lot different than 3.1 in terms of core functions, but it is no longer receiving updates since May 2022.
.NET 6 is now the current active version of .NET and it is an LTS release, which will keep receiving updates until November, 2024
For the upcoming .NET 7, it is not LTS, so the support will be for 18 months, starting early next Month, November 2022.
Visit the official Microsoft page to learn more about .NET and .NET Core Support Policy.
So let’s start our guide to learn ASP.NET Core Web API
Learning Prerequisites
Visual Studio 2022
To be able to start with ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 or 7, you need to use Visual Studio 2022, and it is advised that you always update to the latest versions, currently it is (17.3.5)
From here, you can download the latest version Visual Studio 2022
Eventually, you should be able to notice the latest version of Visual Studio in the ‘About’ window:

Once you create a new ASP.NET Core project, you should be able to notice the latest version of ASP.NET Core 6.
Important Concepts and Topics related to Web APIs
Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol, is the communication protocol on the web that is used to transmit data such as html, documents, images…etc
It is the foundation of the web, it is important to have a solid understanding of how HTTP works, so check this article for a detailed overview of HTTP
REST and RESTful services
REST Refers to Representational state transfer, which is an architectural style to build Programming Interfaces (APIs) for data manipulation through HTTP
RESTful Services are the web services built using the REST style and are hosted under domain endpoints that allow clients to communicate and access resources
Http Request Methods
There is a bunch of Http method usually used to describe how endpoints or APIs can expect data from clients which integrate with them, these http methods include, but not limited to:
used to submit data from the client through the body of the http request. POST is usually used to send personal and confidential data to the backend, and it supports multiple types of data via the Content-Type header, we will learn more about these types in the next section.
this is used to retrieve data to the client, there is no body sent with the GET request, if there are any parameters to be passed from the client, these should be passed through the query string of the URL itself
This is similar to POST, but with PUT you only update the record in your backend, the PUT shouldn’t be used to insert a new record. The normal scenario is that regardless of how many times the PUT method is called, if the same request is sent, then the same effect should happen on the backend, which means no new records or resources should be created.
from its name, this is used to delete a resource or record from the backend, you can pass a body into the http request.
These four are the main ones used in most Web APIs, of course there are many more, such as PATCH, OPTIONS and others, you can review and learn more about them in this documentation.
So in short, a RESTful API can and should support the HTTP Standard Methods, these methods define what the method will do with the underlying resources, so for example a GET method will retrieve resources to the client, POST will save data on the resource.
When sending POST or PUT requests, we usually define a header ‘content-type’, this is a predefined http header that describes how the POST or PUT request body data is being transmitted, there are different types or encryptions of how request body data is sent:
- plain
This indicates that the data will be sent ‘as-is’ without any serialization, encryption or encoding, so the data will be sent in the same way they are passed by the client.
- json
The data will be serialized in JSON format when send from POST or PUT request body, this is usually the most commonly used request body data transmission encryption type.
- form-url-encoded
This is represented as a key-value pair (dictionary) of request parameters that are sent as part of the request body, these are mainly used in authentication platforms to pass client identification data, such as client_id, grant_type, redirect_url and so on.
- form-data
This format is mainly used when uploading files or images from the client side, this is because data of files or images are usually in binary format (converted and serialized to byte array over http)
For further reading, check out it this article
Request Headers
Any HTTP call can include meta-data in the format of string, string dictionary. This represents the request headers collection.
It can include either pre-defined headers such as content-type (request data format), accept (response data format), authorization (basic {base64} or bearer {token}) and others.
Or you can even introduce custom headers and validate upon them.
Check the following link to read and learn more about the HTTP Headers.
HTTP Statuses
HTTP Statuses represent the status of a RESTful service after an HTTP Request has been initiated and completed by the client
The statuses are standardized numerical values
Status Code | Status Description |
1xx | Request received and under processing |
2xx | Successful |
3xx | Redirection, an action must be taken by either user agent (browser) or user |
4xx | Invalid Request by the client, might be because of incomplete and invalid data |
5xx | Server Error |
The complete list of HTTP statuses can be found in a numerous locations, check the official Mozilla site
Learn about JSON
JSON is the JavaScript Object Notation, which is a text-based format used to interchange and store data. Its format is easy and simple to understand and parse by humans and machines alike.
For the past many years, Newtonsoft.Json has been the most popular NuGet Package for JSON manipulation, with 2.29 billion downloads it is the top downloaded NuGet Package.

It provides super helpful classes, methods, attributes and much more with a blazing fast performance to process and convert your data models to and from JSON Format.
Now, you can replace Newtonsoft.Json with the native System.Text.Json, it will give you almost all the features that are provided by Newtonsoft.Json with some differences such as case-sensitive property name matching and other differences.
You can find a full list of similarities and differences between Newtonsoft.Json and System.Text.Json and how to migrate to the native one here.
Personally, I would still be using Newtonsoft.Json since I’ve got used to it, but feel free to switch to the native one if you prefer.
HTTPS is the secure version of http. when a user tries to open a website that data is transmitted through SSL Secure Socket Layer, a website must have a valid SSL certificate applied for the website and installed on the hosting sever for the website to be accessible via the https protocol.
All modern browsers now show a lock icon beside the site that is accessible over https and has a valid SSL certificate.

If you are building an API that accepts personal information or sensitive data like credit cards, you must support only https and not allow plain http calls.
You can check this article to learn How to make your site HTTPS-only
Features and Components to Learn ASP.NET Core Web API
Controllers and Routing
Controllers define the HTTP methods and routing URLs (endpoints) that will be exposed to the public (clients).
In ASP.NET Core Web API, Controllers inherit from ControllerBase.
The ControllerBase includes many methods and properties to help the API developer handle the HTTP requests/responses. For example there are many methods that wrap your response with a specific type of http status, such as
1 |
return Ok(productModel); |
Under each controller you can define one or more methods to handle a resource related operations.
So for example, you can have a ProductsController and inside it you can have a GET verb that will get all products.
And another GET verb that will get one product by id also another method with a POST verb that will save a product record in your database, such method can sometimes be accessed via admin UI by admin users.
For this case it is important that you implement API security through applying fine-grained role-based authorization policies and requirements so you can provide the proper access to the correct users.
This documentation link has further details about Controllers, Routing and Controller Attributes
API Versioning
You can define multiple versions of the same APIs or endpoints by introducing the versioning prefix, where you add a specific prefix as part of the API url to define which version it is, so usually it looks like this:
See here, the v1 indicates that we are requesting the posts API under version 1 of your API, you can create v2 and have a different implementation in it, which might also include any change that might break the v1 of your implementation.
The ApiVersion attribute can be used to specify which version your endpoint or method is currently only.
Check the following tutorial to learn more about API Versioning in ASP.NET Core Web API.
It is a piece of Software class or component that can be injected somewhere in the pipeline of the ASP.NET Core application to handle or process request/response .
There are predefined middleware within the ASP.NET Core framework, such as UseAuthentication() UseAuthorization();
you can also use a middleware from providers, through NuGet, such as UseSwagger() or UseSwaggerUI(), which are part of Swashbuckle.AspNetCore package which by the way now comes bundled with the ASP.NET Core Web API 6 Template project.
Moreover, you can write your own middleware and inject it into your application’s pipeline, such as ApiKey Authentication Middleware, that can intercept each request to your API that has the [Authorize] attribute decorated with and validate the headers for a valid api-key header.
My article Secure ASP.NET Core Web API using API Key Authentication explains how you can apply API Key authentication using either a custom attribute or middleware in .NET 6.
These are decorations that can be applied to classes, methods in order to filter data before or after processing the request to and from the class or the method it is applied to.
In ASP.NET Core Attributes can implement a different number of filters to handle different tasks and also the attributes can be used to provide input for the filters from the controller method.
For more information about attributes in general, you can refer to this blog.
Filters are used to intercept the processing pipeline, so you can run some code before or after some stage in the process.
One great example for using filter is to handle and log exceptions, you can write a single filter that would do this task instead of having to go through each controller method and adding a try catch block there. This way you can organize your code and avoid redundancy.
Follow this link to learn more about Filters in ASP.NET Core.
This is the entry point to your application, from here your application (before it is even an ASP.NET Core) starts. It includes the initial setup for services and configuration for your whole Web API project.
In Program.cs class you will define an instance of WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args), from which you will read the Services Collection, Configuration and other important components, and then once you add all the needed Services details, you will build the WebApplication and configure the different middleware to be used in your pipeline. Like the below:

This is a JSON formatted file that includes all the settings and configurations that you can use in ASP.NET Core Web API.
This file resides in the server and is mainly useful to control settings on production environment without having to rebuild your code and republish it all over again.
Below is a sample appsettings.json file, that include different settings such as ConnectionStrings, AppSettings, Logging. You can add whatever settings you need for your APIs.

Always remember that you can have matching setting keys under different names like appsettings.Development.json or appsettings.Production.json, but with different values:

And from the server, you can either specify the current environment value as environment variable or in a web.config file that resides alongside the published folder of your API project.
Dependency Injection
You should first understand the dependency injection as a design pattern or a programming concept, before learning how it is used in ASP.NET Core.
Dependency Injection is basically providing an object that is needed by another object, so if a class A depends on class B, then we don’t let class A care about creating an instance of class B itself but inject an instance of class B into A.
This is mainly useful for testing, and for loosely-coupling the dependencies.
Check this StackOverflow thread to better understand this topic.
Once you get a basic understanding of how and why dependency injection is used, then you can head right away to learn more about dependency injection in ASP.NET Core.
In ASP.NET Core Web API, the dependency injection is a fundamental design pattern used at the core of any Web API project when defining object creation.
There are 3 levels of object creation and lifetime as part of the dependency injection in ASP.NET Core Web API:
- Singleton
Instance of object would be shared across all the different requests.
- Scoped
Instance would be shared for the same requests
- Transient
New object would be created for each request
You can follow this StackOverflow thread that is discussing these 3 different object creation strategies through the dependency injection in ASP.NET Core Web API.
API Security
API Security is a huge and sometimes complicated topic that has different use cases and implementations, but it is an essential and critical part in your journey to learn ASP.NET Core Web API.
So, you must give this topic a plenty of time and dedication from yourself to properly understand all the concepts and implement the best practices to build secure and reliable Web APIs.
Authentication and Authorization
Before we dive deeper into this topic, first thing you need to learn is the difference between Authentication and Authorization
- Authentication: is the process of verifying that a user has the rights to access your APIs. Usually an unauthenticated user trying to access your APIs will receive an http 401 Unauthorized Response
- Authorization is the process of verifying if the authenticated user has the proper rights or permissions to access a specific API. Usually an unauthorized user trying to access your API that is only valid for a specific role or requirement will receive an http 403 Forbidden Response
ASP.NET Core Identity
The Identity is a framework that introduces membership functionality for the API users, with methods for login, logout, register along with passwords and claims management, and also it define roles and permissions for users. Also it provides UI pages for the membership functionality.
The official docs will help you learn more about ASP.NET Core Identity
Basic Authentication
The basic authentication method is a way to transmit data to the API in a base64-encoded format where the header name is Authorization and the value is ‘Basic’ follow by a space then followed by base64encode(username:password), or base64encode(clientid:secret)
Below is a sample of how a basic authentication request header can look like:
Authorization: Basic YmFzZTY0OmVuY29kZQ==
This can be used to authenticate applications, but it is not the preferred way since the client has to pass this header each time doing an authenticated request and if the conenction is not over http then the credentials are plainly visible by anyone who spoofs the network.
Usually, this authentication is coupled with JWT Bearer authentication or OAuth 2.0 to securely authenticate and authorize clients in a standard way.
API key Authentication
This is another authentication mechanism mainly used to identify and authorize your API clients (not users), API Key can be passed either via query string, request body, Basic Authentication header or a custom header such as x-api-key
The API will then look for the api key in any of the locations mentioned above and validate it and then authorize the client to access the api.
Check the following tutorial to help you learn how to implement the API Key Authentication in your API Project Secure ASP.NET Core Web API using API Key Authentication

JWT (Json Web Token ) Authentication
JSON Web Token is a way to format your bearer tokens in a standard and simple way, it includes 3 parts: header, payload and signature.
You can build a solid API Authentication with JWT and it is very easily done in ASP.NET Core.
Check this article Secure ASP.NET Core Web API using JWT Authentication

In many cases, you will need to implement refresh token alongside an access token, so that you can use your refresh token to renew or refresh your access token, and usually you will want to do this silently, some time ahead of the actual expiry time of your refresh token, so your logged in users won’t notice the refreshing part and won’t be logged out of their accounts.
JWT Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens
I have a comprehensive tutorial that explains how to Apply JWT Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens in ASP.NET Core Web API 6

OAuth 2.0 and Open Id Connect
OAuth 2.0 is the authentication and authorization standard framework that can guarantee the proper access to the users to your APIs through the different platforms.
You can easily configure ASP.NET Core Web API to implement the OAuth 2.0 framework via identity providers, such as Auth0, Identity Server 4 (which is now part of DuendeSoftware).
You can also enable your users to sign in from their existing credentials on social or external providers
Check this tutorial about Facebook, Google, and external provider authentication in ASP.NET Core
Fine-graining Authorization using Policies, Roles and requirements
Usually you will have different roles assigned for your users, for example if you have a blog management system and you have different categories of users who can access and use your system, then you will probably won’t allow a guest blogger to delete articles submitted by you or a regular user who subscribes to your blog to edit or delete content from an article. So everything must be protected by roles.
Visit the official Microsoft documentation to learn more about Policy Based Authentication in ASP.NET Core Web API.
You can also check my tutorial Secure ASP.NET Core Web API using JWT Authentication where in it I explain how to apply JWT Authentication and authorization with a policy and requirement.
API Documentation with Swashbuckle and Swagger
Now in ASP.NET Core Web API 6, OpenAPI V3 is enabled by default once you start a new project with the API template,
Once you create the new ASP.NET Core Web API 6 template project, you can run it and you will start noticing a nice Swagger UI view instead of the regular random JSON result you get on the browser.

This is done through Swashbuckle ASP.NET Core Library.
You can read more about Swashbukle here and how to build help pages using swagger
Also it is always important to understand the core or fundamentals of any feature, check the following link to learn more about The OpenAPI Specification V3
DTO Data Transfer Objects
DTOs are plain objects (POCOs) that simply serve as the middle layer between your data layer and your client.
It is important that you separate the data layer with your API layer, so that you don’t expose the full object details to your clients and have the control on what to display and what to receive from them.
A great transformation tool that comes really handy whenever you have too many database entities and you want to convert them to and from their counterpart DTOs, is the AutoMapper.
With AutoMapper you can define configurations for how to map between your Database entities and DTO classes, and then AutoMapper will handle the rest. And if you are following conventions in naming your DTOs then the mapping will be done without even defining configurations
In ASP.NET Core, it is very easy to integrate with AutoMapper.
Just install the AutoMapper and AutoMapper dependecy Injection extenions NuGet Packages
Create a class that inherits from AutoMapper’s Profile, your class’s constructor will define the mappings between your entities and DTOs
And in Startup class, in configureServices method, configure the AutoMapper with the new class and then append the configurations to the Services Collection Object
In your controller’s constructor, inject the AutoMapper object through the IMapper Interface,
Then use the Map method from the injected mapper object to convert between your entity and DTO model.
This SO Answer has a detailed instructions for how to use AutoMapper in ASP.NET Core.
Error Handling and Logging
A middleware is the best way to catch all your exceptions, format them and log them. A bad practice is to put a try catch block on each API method.
I have 2 tutorials to explain how to implement error handling and logging, see the below:
Logging with Serilog in ASP.NET Core Web API

Exception Handling and Logging in ASP.NET Core Web API

Check this tutorial to learn how to Handle errors in ASP.NET Core Web APIs
And check this post to understand how to implement Logging in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core
Unifying Error Responses
You should always to try to have a unified structure of error responses to your clients, so that they can identity the error you are trying to transmit.
Once way for this, is that you can create a model that will have a code and description. And then whenever you want to return a 400 BadRequest Response, then you can put your response in an error model object with code and description, so the front-end app or client, once receives the error response, it can easily pick the code and display the proper message for the user ( usually there might be multiple localizations for each code to support multiple languages).
Request Validation
You must always do validation on your requests before working on them or processing them, for different reasons, such as the security and data integrity and making sure that the data you expect match your business logic and eventually would fit into your database, for instance.
In ASP.NET Core Web APIs there are different ways to implement validation, see below to learn more:
Model State Validation
You can apply data annotations (attributes) to your models so that you can enforce certain backend input validation rules whenever a user is submitting data to your APIs.
These validation rules can include: required property, max number, min number, regex or even more complex rules that you can customize.
Then in your API method, you can simply check if the model state is valid and then return a 400 bad request with the validation message, via the below
1 2 3 4 |
if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } |
If your controller is decorated with the [ApiController] attribute, then you don’t have to specify the above condition since the ApiController does automatically check the ModelState and return 400 BadRequest.
If you want to be able to log the messages that are caused by the ModelState validation when using the ApiController Attribute, then you can refer to this How to log automatic 400 responses on model validation errors
Fluent Validation
If you are coming from the legacy ASP.NET Web API background, you would probably have used or at least heard of Fluent Validation library, available in ASP.NET Core Web API, this great library helps you implement a wide range of predefined and custom validations with an easy and simple APIs that allow the chaining of rules to apply to each of your fields.
If you have not tried it yet, then I encourage you to read more about it and install it it from here, once it is there, start applying your validation rules to your request classes or DTOs.
When building APIs, sometimes you might need to make it support multiple languages/cultures, in this case you have to prepare your APIs to be localized to a specific language and culture.
In ASP.NET Core Web API it is easy and straightforward to localize the resources in your APIs and make it culture aware of your user input from the client app.
Follow this documentation tutorial to learn more about localizing your APIs
And check my tutorial to learn how to implement localization in ASP.NET Core Web API
Localization in ASP.NET Core Web API

Entity Framework Core
EF Core is the successor of Entity Framework library used in .NET Framework. It is an ORM-based framework that would help you integrate with a given relational database in a simple and effective way.
EF or EF Core support LinQ, change tracking, lazy loading, migrations and more.
You can simply integrate your ASP.NET Core Web API Project with EF Core, and now EF Core is even better with the latest update EF Core 6.
To learn more about how to connect your API Project with SQL Server Express DB and Entity Framework Core check my article Build RESTful APIs Using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core

Migrating ASP.NET Core Web API from versions 3.1 or 5 to version 6
If you already have a project that is built using ASP.NET Core Web API with 3.1 or 5 and you want to upgrade it to version 6, then this is an easy task and won’t require much effort, mainly you will need to do the below:
- From the project properties, Application tab, change the target framework of your project to .NET 6.

- Update your NuGet packages to the latest version.
- Remove the startup class and unify its content with the Program.cs class, so you only have the program class to use as the configuration, in Program.cs class you don’t need the namespace or to define the Program class itself, but you will define an instance of WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args), from which you will read the Services Collection, Configuration and other important components, and then once you define all the needed Services details, you will build the WebApplication and configure the different middleware to be used in your pipeline like the below:
- Now once all your changes are applied, you just need to build your solution and then verify if all your APIs are still working fine.
- If your Web APIs are deployed to IIS, then you just need to install the Windows hosting bundle of .NET Core 6, keep reading to learn more about the hosting and deployment part of ASP.NET Core Web API and I have a dedicated tutorial for deploying your ASP.NET Core Web API in .NET 6 to IIS under Windows Server.
Hosting and Deployment
Throughout your journey to learn ASP.NET Core Web API, you will need to understand how to deploy your ASP.NET Core Web API so that they can run on either localhost, On-prem server, docker or any of the cloud-based services.
Kestrel or IIS Express (Localhost)
This is the first hosting environment you get once you start a new project. Visual studio automatically assigns a random ports, for both http and https, on your local machine’s IIS Express and from there you can start building your APIs and testing them.
launchSettings.json is the file that contains settings that are only related to development and debugging profiles. so it is used only on the development machine and not on the production environment.
In .NET 6, the default hosting provider that comes with ASP.NET Core is the Kestrel web Server, you can read more about Kestrel Web Server here.
You can setup multiple profiles for launching url on Kestrel, IIS Express or other local hosting environments.
IIS (On-prem)
If you are willing to host your ASP.NET Core Web API on a Windows Server with IIS, check out my detailed tutorial about how to Deploy ASP.NET Core Web Api on IIS , it is has been updated to .NET 6, but if you are using an older version, the steps should be the same with the difference of the hosting bundle version.

Deploy to Docker
Docker is amazing platform that provides you the right tools to place all your ASP.NET Core Web API Project along with all its related SDKs and hosting bundle into a container and test your project somewhere else, on a different OS, machine.
You can start from this tutorial
Also read this documentation about how to Dockerize an ASP.NET Core Application
Deploy to Azure
With Azure you can easily take your ASP.NET Core Web APIs to the cloud plus Visual Studio has built-in support for publishing to Azure, so the process is quite simple.
You have multiple options when it comes to deploying your Web APIs to Azure, and the choice would usually depend on the usage and the budget.
And if you want to have an API gateway that stands in front of your API as a reverse-proxy or facade, then you should start looking into Azure API Management
Deploy to AWS
Another cloud provider for your ASP.NET Core Web API project is the AWS.
Same as in Azure, based on the expected usage of your APIs and your assigned budget you can choose between different services provided by Amazon to publish your APIs:
Also you can equip Visual Studio with support to publish over multiple AWS services using the AWS extension. You can download it from within Visual Studio. Tools -> Extensions
API Unit Tests
You can create a new test project within the same solution that includes the API project. The test project can be of type NUnit Test or XUnit tests.
With a few differences in the structure of both tests, both would give you the ability to writing unit tests for your APIs to test that the controllers, the services, and anything is functioning normally.
You can go through this StackOverflow thread to learn more about the difference between NUnit and XUnit Tests
Always remember to keep your tests to the minimal and to follow the Arrange, Act, Assert order to properly build your tests.
You can also build integration tests using the unit testing framework in ASP.NET Core. Integration tests are similar to unit tests but involve a larger scale of testing where your actual database and network connection and integration are also tested. With unit tests, you usually don’t run the actual database or network call but provide a mock or fake classes, using dependency injection, that can supply your test with the needed data to run your test.
Check the following learning material from Microsoft to learn more about integration tests in ASP.NET Core.
You can also go with the test-driven development methodology (TDD) which states that we should write the test before writing the actual code or implementation, so this implies that you should start converting the functionality requirements or user stories to test cases, make them fail and then write the actual functionality to make the tests pass.
Check this article to read more about TDD
Postman for Testing and Simulation
Postman is the ultimate tool to test your ASP.NET Core API endpoints, it has everything you need and more to simulate a client to call your APIs, you can create collections, teams, workspaces, environment variables.
You can download Postman here
Also check this comprehensive tutorial about how to use Postman for testing
Most of my tutorials include testing part using Postman, let me share with you one of these tutorials not mentioned above that has different requests using Postman
File Upload with Data using ASP.NET Core Web API

Integration with Front-end frameworks (Web and Mobile)
ASP.NET Core Web API Integration with Angular
I have a tutorial that can guide you to build and secure an Angular site by connecting to your ASP.NET Core Web APIs, see the below link:
Secure Angular Site using JWT Authentication with ASP.NET Core Web API

ASP.NET Core Web API Integration with Android
The same case as it for Angular and any web technology, you can easily integrate your ASP.NET Core Web API with mobile technology such as Android or iOS.
See my below tutorial to learn more about this integration.
A Complete Tutorial to Connect Android with ASP.NET Core Web API

Applying reCAPTCHA 3 Server Validation in ASP.NET Core Web API
This is very useful tutorial that will help you protect your web or mob application by applying the best spam protection tool by Google, which reCAPTCHA v3
Google reCAPTCHA v3 Server Verification in ASP.NET Core Web API

Further online resources and materials to learn ASP.NET Core Web API
- What’s new in .NET 6
- What’s new in ASP.NET Core 6
- Announcing .NET 7 Preview 1
- ASP.NET Core Path on PluralSight
- RoundTheCode by David Grace
To learn ASP.NET Core Web API requires a proper dedication, focus and some commitment to understand all the concepts and master this amazing technology.
You can achieve this by assigning a small proportion every day, where you can take a topic and read about it, watch some video explanation or implement a tutorial.
Day after day you will notice how knowledgeable and sold you will become. Make sure to implement whatever you learn in a side project.
Mozart is your best pal for studying and focusing on learning new stuff.
Please enjoy and happy coding.
Wow, this is an awesome compilation. Great work.
Greate artilce I have ever seen , Thanks for this